Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The New Testament in 90 Days - Days 9-10-11

July 7
Matthew chapters 25-28 and Mark chapter 1

It has been very hard for me the past few days - I hurt my right shoulder and after taking two Vicodin yesterday morning, my body is still dopey - I've probably slept 25 of the last 30 hours.  Besides the fact that Thursday was the 4th of July and I was throwing toddlers around in the pool and helping tired moms by occupying their kids with crafts.

The upshot of which, I had my quiet time every day, but couldn't get going to blog about what I'd read until today.  I'm still falling asleep sitting up and my shoulder is better (thank God for a daughter who is a brilliant massage therapist!) but I figured I'd better get on the stick and write an update before I just got too unmotivated.

Wise and foolish maidens.  To be chosen as a bridesmaid by the bridegroom was quite an honor      To me it's a symbol how the groom honors the bride by accepting her friends.  But 10?  geez, herding 10 girls around is like herding cats!  And this is no exception.  Five of them are ready to go, planning carefully,waiting to be fetched for the special ceremony.  Five are "jjust happy to be here!" and forget that they have a job to do. And all of them fall asleep at one point.

I'd love to say I was one of the first maids, the planner, the get-up-and-go kind of girl - I'd love to say that.  The good news it, it's not too late for me - God hasn't called me home and I am doing my best to stay awake. The foolish maids look and see what's going on, even get involved in stuff at church - but their hearts run out of fuel and when the Bridegroom comes, they won't have any excuses.

"I'm frightened for our children,
That the live that we are living is in vain,
and the sunshine we've been waiting for
Will turn to rain."  The Moody Blues, Story in Your Eyes

That's the general consensus of the last half of chapter 25 - that no matter what we call ourselves, if our actions do not reflect our hearts, then we're cast off.It speaks to all of us who cry "Lord, Lord" but especially to me as a mom and grandma.  I was far from the perfect parent, but I'm doing my best now to be the Godly woman He's made me.  I hope that I reflect Jesus to all the children in my life.

A waste of money.  A woman who honored Jesus as God by offering an anointment of expensive perfume was ridiculed as wasting her money.  But the Pharisees were willing to pay Judas probably just about the same amount of money to betray Jesus in the garden.  Tell me, which money was wasted?

Jesus is human.  Jesus is God.  He knew what had to be done, but he was frightened.  It wsn't just the ignominious death of crucifixion, it was the fact that all our sin was placed on Him.  Men have been crucified - it just ends their life.  Jesus took the weight and guilt and complete evil that ws our sin onto Himself and sacrificed His lefe, burned it up, killed it off.  All of us.  From the beginning of time.You, me, the bum on the street, the man in the White House.

And that was His choice.  He asked the Father if there was some way to forego the pain ans suffering, but knew there wasn't ans so allowed Himself to be taken and executed..  How can we not honor that?

Peter the Blowhard.  "No, no, I will never forsake you, Lord!"  Oh Peter, I feel for you babe.  I've spent my life saying and doing the wrong things and then weeping afterwards because I know I've saddened God.  But He is a God of mercy, a God of forgiveness.  Like the little kitten who bites and scratches, then comes to you purring because they want a cuddle - that's Peter and me.  God takes us back, after He's swatted our noses, of course, and gives us food and water and a clean box and all the love we'll accept.

"You said it, Guv."  Pilate - a man stuck between a rock and a hard place (or between the natives and his wife).  He is trying to make everyone happy, and in the end, he fails.  Maybe not on that day, but yes, in the end.

Jesus is stripped, whipped and mocked.  but that is nothing compared to what He goes through on the Cross.  And the Jews still antagonize Him.  Knuckleheads, pour gasoline on the flame of their black hearts.

God forsaken.  That was the ultimate moment, right there, when God the Father turned His back on Jesus the Son.  It was only for a moment, at least to us, but in a place where there is no passage of time, where God is eternal, alway now, always then always there ahead - that is the agony of it.  But that was the necessity of it as well.  How could Jesus die for my sins 2000 years ago?  Because He was there then and He's here now where I am.  No time limits, just an eternal love that stretches to all of us..  Wow.

Three days, no word.  That, too, must have been agonizing for the disciples, the men and women who loved Jesus and believed in Him.  Silly people.  Like me, they quickly forgot what He had promised - "I will be back in three days."  "I will meet your every need, Dorinda.  I will not take care of you, as long as you believe."

And there He was.

I will blog about Mark starting tomorrow - I read him today, I'll have insight tomorrow.  God does truly love me and take care of me.  He is the King.

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